Dealing With The Nitty Gritty: Paperwork Help For Your Small Tax Business
If you're an accountant, then you understand the immense amount of paperwork involved in your work. The benefit of working at a large firm is that they will often have tons of assistants and organized processes which can make your life easier. However, if you've moved on and opened your own small business and are operating without all of that help, then you might be a bit stressed out. The worst thing you can do is let the excessive paperwork overwhelm you. It can end up slowing down your work, and losing you clients. The simple fix is to contact a document solution company and have them come in and consult on how to best solve your problems. Here are three ways they might help.
Managed In-Office Document Consulting
In order to streamline your process, a document solution company will determine if your current printing, faxing, copying, and filing setup is efficient. If you are wasting time printing off tax forms, copying client records, and filing items in a complicated manner, the consultants might be ale to streamline the process. They might show you that your current printer/fax/copying setup is just too cumbersome and could be replaced with a single unit. If this is the case, they can bring in the unit, install the relevant software packages, hook up your computers and laptops, and have everything running under a central hub.
Off Site Document Solutions
Not all of your documents will be sensitive (client tax forms, letters to the IRS appealing fines, etc...), there will be items that are part of your marketing (client newsletters, advertisements, inserts for mailers) that you need printed but can be done off-site. A document solution company will be able to handle these items for you. They will consult with you as to what exactly is appropriate to print off-site, and then set up a schedule so that you don't have to micro-manage every single aspect of your day-to-day operations. This free time will allow you to be more productive doing actual client work, and also sourcing new clients.
Data Backup Assistance
A third item that you might want to consider is data backup. You are dealing with a huge amount of paperwork (many years of prior tax returns for clients, plus records, letters back and forth with the IRS in some cases, as well as your own financials). It is wise to get a backup besides a bunch of thumb drives. You want a professional level backup service that is on par with what the large companies use. This way your material is backed up in the event of fire or some other unforeseen event.