3 Useful Tips When Creating Shipping Labels For Your Company

When you begin to sell the things that you make, have them look a little more finished and professional by having labels printed for each item you make.

3 Useful Tips When Creating Shipping Labels For Your Company

3 Useful Tips When Creating Shipping Labels For Your Company

17 April 2018
, Blog

If you ship products on a regular basis for your business, an integral component you need to focus on is the shipping label. Without it, your products wouldn't end up in the right place. To make creating these integrated shipping labels a simple and effective process, consider these tips. 

Print in Bulk 

Creating shipping labels can be time-consuming if you create them on a one-by-one basis. You'd literally have to enter in data each time and go through various printing settings. A better and more time-efficient approach is to print shipping labels in bulk.

Try to find printing software that enables you to print hundreds of labels at a time. You may pay more for printing in bulk, but at least you'll have plenty of labels already available and ready to be placed on your products. Bulk printing is only recommended if your company sends a lot of products out on a daily basis.

Use a Thermal Printer  

The quality of your shipping labels is ultimately determined by the type of shipping label printer you use. There are many choices today, but one of the best options in terms of speed and quality is a thermal printer.

These printers are unique in that they don't require any ink whatsoever. Instead, they use a chemically treated material, which blackens when heat is applied to it. One of the best things about these printers is they can handle a large print volume. They also don't have the tendency of jamming and thus slowing down your printing operations. 

Since no ink is necessary for these printing applications, you don't have to worry about your shipping labels ever smearing.

Don't Forget About the Return Label 

There will be times when the product you send gets damaged or is defective from the very start. Customers probably won't want to keep these packages just sitting around their house, which is why it's critical to include a return label on every product you send out to customers.

Then, all they need to do is send the package back through the mail. They don't have to look up any information like your company's street address and zip code. This ultimately improves customer satisfaction because you're making the return process easier to deal with. 

If shipping labels play an important role in your company's operations, be sure to take a strategic approach to creating them. Then, you will be able to save a lot of time and money over the years. 

About Me
having labels made for your handmade products

When you begin to sell the things that you make, you can make those handmade items look a little more finished and professional by having labels printed for each item you make. When I started making handmade candles, jellies and bottling the honey from my bees, I wanted to create products that were handmade, but looked professionally finished. The one thing that my items were missing was a perfectly printed label. I designed and started having my labels printed for me and now, everything looks as good as it should when I put it out for display at local sales and festivals.
