Promoting Your Product And Brand With Instant Redeem Coupons

When you begin to sell the things that you make, have them look a little more finished and professional by having labels printed for each item you make.

Promoting Your Product And Brand With Instant Redeem Coupons

Promoting Your Product And Brand With Instant Redeem Coupons

15 July 2018
, Blog

Most people have seen coupons on products in the supermarket or other stores that are attached directly to the packaging. These coupons can be used for many different kinds of products and are a great way to encourage a consumer to try your brand. They are also a great way to tie your product line together and encourage people to try several products because of a discount or promotion you are offering with them.

Instant Redeem Coupons

There are several styles of instant redeem coupons available to use on your packaging, but the idea is to keep the coupon and the package together. If you attach the coupon to the box, the consumer does not need to find the coupon, remember to bring it with them, and remember to hand it to the cashier. The coupon can be peeled off the box or other packaging at the register and redeemed by the customer with little to no effort.

Marketing Value

When a customer is browsing a shelf or looking for a product, the one that catches their eye first is going to get the most attention. Placing a colorful coupon on the box with the discount amount in large, bold print will help to attract the consumer's attention and entice them to try your brand. Often a more expensive item with a coupon is chosen over a cheaper one because the customer feels good about saving money on the purchase. And in cases where the product coupon is cross-promoting another item, the sale may be increased so lowering the price is worth it to the manufacturer.

Types Of IRCs

There are a few different types of IRCs or instant redeem coupons available to you. There are some that are large and flat that peel off when redeemed, folded IRCs, which are coupons folded into little squares that you can open into a long coupon, and hanging IRCs that are put on bottles. What style you choose for your product is up to you but figuring out what will work best on your packaging is important. You want the coupon to stay with the package or item on the shelf so it is important that it be designed to do just that. Working with a company that makes the coupon to work out what the best style of IRC will work best on your product is a good place to start. Because they make these coupons every day, they know what works. Let them help you pick the right style.

About Me
having labels made for your handmade products

When you begin to sell the things that you make, you can make those handmade items look a little more finished and professional by having labels printed for each item you make. When I started making handmade candles, jellies and bottling the honey from my bees, I wanted to create products that were handmade, but looked professionally finished. The one thing that my items were missing was a perfectly printed label. I designed and started having my labels printed for me and now, everything looks as good as it should when I put it out for display at local sales and festivals.
